Came across this blog and I'm borrowing Lauren Souers idea of "Missionary Mondays"
Thank you Lauren, I think my kids will enjoy this series.
(I know its Wednesday, but we'll be ready for the next Missionary by Monday)
David Brainerd
God’s plan for rescuing His people from sin has always been a plan
full of surprises. No one would have ever dreamed that the mighty King
of the universe would have become a poor, homeless man who sacrificed
Himself for the very people who rejected Him. No one would would have
ever dreamed that getting to Heaven was gained by trading in your sin
for Jesus’ righteousness and not gained by doing anything good. No one
would have ever dreamed that He would have used a group of sinful,
clumsy men to be the first ones to spread the good news of the gospel.
And no one would have ever dreamed that God would have chosen a man
like David Brainerd to bring the love and truth of Jesus to a scary and
unknown group of people – the American Indians.
David Brainerd was born a long time ago – in 1718 – before the
United States was even it’s own country. His mother and father were
both Puritans – people who had sailed to America from England so that
they could worship God without fear of being punished.
Even though David grew up going to church and knowing all the stories
of the Bible, it wasn’t until he was 21 years old that he fell in love
with Jesus and became one of His followers. For so long, David had
thought that he could be a good person and earn his way to Heaven.
Because of that wrong way of thinking, he developed a very haughty
attitude. He would consider himself to be more holy than anyone else
around him, and he was very judgmental about the way other people
lived. He probably had a difficult time keeping close friends!
But despite the high wall of good deeds that David had built around
himself, God still snuck into David’s life and brought those walls
crashing down to the ground. God, in a very mighty way, revealed to
David that all of his good works were good for nothing, and that the
only thing that mattered about a person was whether they loved God or
So right then and there, David started over. He began hearing and
reading God’s Word like it was the first time! He was so excited and in
love with the truth that Jesus had set him free from the law and sin
and death! David knew that he must devote his life to spreading the
same good news to others.
And he didn’t want to do it from the comforts of his hometown.
David Brainerd wanted to take the good news of the gospel way out into the wilderness. Where the American Indians lived.
This decision shocked many people.
“Go live out in the wilderness? With the Indians??” the people
exclaimed. “Think of the dangers! There are no doctors; there are wild
animals; and worst of all, the Indians – the same people you are trying
to save – will probably kill you! You are a fool if you go, David
Do you think that stopped David, or even scared him? Absolutely
not. For you see, ever since David had become a follower of Jesus, he
had been practicing his secret weapon. This secret weapon was so
powerful that David had no fear about going to live in the dangerous
forests. This secret weapon gave him so much courage that he knew he
would be well-taken-care-of.
Do you want to know what David Brainerd’s secret weapon was?
It wasn’t a sword, or a gun, or any kind of weapon like that.
David Brainerd was armed with the power of constantly and fervently
His life was one that was filled with prayer. David knew that prayer
was one of the ways that God changed the world, so he prayed as often
and as intensely as possible. There were many days throughout the week
that David would pray from morning until evening. He truly loved being
in God’s presence, begging Him to save the souls of the Indians and to
protect him in the process.
And did God ever honor David’s faithful praying!
Awesome and miraculous things would happen because of the the prayers of David Brainerd.
One night, soon after arriving deep in the forests, David was on his knees praying.
“Oh Father! If you would just give me a way into the village of
these Indian people. Change the chief’s heart, that he may welcome me
in and hear the message of Your Truth. Whatever it takes, Father, to
spread the good news of Your Gospel, I am willing to do it!”
David didn’t know it, but as he was kneeling on the ground praying
those words, the very group of Indians that he wanted to meet were
hiding in the bushes, watching him. They had planned to attack and kill
him, for he was a stranger, but before they attacked, something
incredible happened that changed their mind.
David was on his knees with his eyes closed, so he didn’t see the
rattlesnake that was slithering up to him, but the Indians saw it. They
also saw the rattlesnake lift up its head close to David’s head, ready
to bite and surely kill him. The Indians continued to watch, assuming
that their enemy was about to be killed by this poisonous snake. But
suddenly, without any reason, the snake closed its mouth, sunk back to
the ground, and slithered off!
The Indians were astonished! What could have protected this man from
the bite of a deadly rattlesnake other than the God that he was praying
The Indians not only introduced themselves to David, but welcomed
them into their village as well! God had used that snake to make a way
for David to become a part of the Indian village. It wasn’t long before
David had been given an opportunity to share about the God that
protected him.
The weeks and months that followed were filled with difficulty,
hunger, sickness, but most of all – joy. Even though it was a very
challenging way to live – all the way out in the wilderness without a
dry home or good food – the Lord used David in wonderful and mighty
The very first Indian who gave His life to Jesus was 100 years old,
with hair as white as snow. What a day that must have been for David!
And there were many others who followed the old man.
For 4 years David served, loved, and lived with the Indians. He
moved around several times to different villages, all of them eventually
accepting and befriending him. He started schools and shared about the
love of Jesus. So many Indians came to know Jesus through the work and
obedience of David!
And throughout his adventures with the Indians, David prayed. He
prayed and he prayed and he prayed. He never tired of it or forgot the
importance of it. Talking to his King was his lifeline…it was more
important to him than eating, breathing, or even living. He knew that
nothing would be accomplished without spending precious time in prayer.
And so, after 4 fruitful and busy years, God called David home. He allowed David to get sick and die in a dear friend’s bed.
Now David is in Heaven with all of the Indian brothers and sisters that he led to Jesus hundreds of years ago.
David’s life wasn’t long, and it wasn’t easy or perfect, but it was
precious to the Lord. David was so faithful in prayer and in sharing
the truth…what glory he brought to God! And now he is enjoying his
eternal reward at home with his Heavenly Father.
You may not be old enough to travel across the world or go live in
the wilderness, but you can pray. Praying is often what someone does
first before something big and marvelous happens. You are never too
young to pray! And your prayers are never too big or too adventurous!
Prayer: Loving Heavenly Father, You delight in the
prayers of your people. I ask that I would be a person who sees prayer
as more important that eating or even breathing. Remind me everyday to
come to you in prayer, for the big and the little things! Show me how
to pray for things that I think are impossible, and remind me to pray
for the things that I think are small enough for me to handle. You are
in control of them all, Father. Thank you for being a King who loves
His people and cares for them. You have given me so much, Lord. I love
You forever! Amen.