Wednesday, 19 February 2014

This week at the Zoo


Area: India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka; Southeast Asia; central Africa

Habitat: Forests and rain forests

Food: Grain, insects, small reptiles and mammals, berries, figs, leaves, seeds, and flower parts

Size: 27 to 51 inches long, depending on species

Babies: Are called peachicks! 

Most people call them peacocks, but that's only the correct name for male of this type of bird. Females are called peahens, and the whole group are peafowl. There are three types of peafowl in the world: Indian, green, and Congo. Most people are familiar with the Indian peafowl, since that is the kind found in many zoos and parks. Indian peafowl live in India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, green peafowl are found in Southeast Asia, and Congo peafowl are from central Africa.

The Indian peacock has some of the brightest feathers, but the peahen is a drab, mottled brown in comparison. The male needs his bright feathers to attract a mate, and the female needs to be able to blend in with the bushes so that predators cannot see her while she is incubating her eggs.



- Foxes are members of the dog family. A female fox is called a “vixen”, a male fox is called a “dog fox” or a “tod” and baby foxes are called “pups”, “kits” or “cubs”. A group of foxes is called a “skulk” or a “leash”. 

Foxes are the only type of dog capable of retracting their claws like cats do. Foxes also have vertical pupils that look more like those of cats than the rounded pupils that other dogs have.

-  There are many different types of foxes, and they are the most widespread species of wild dog in the world. Foxes live just about everywhere – in the countryside, cities, forests, mountains and grasslands. Arctic foxes live in cold climates far north, and fennec foxes live in the North African desert.
An Arctic fox’s fur changes colors with the seasons of the year. In winter, it is white so that it blends in with the snow. During the spring, the fox sheds its winter coat, revealing gray fur underneath. Some Arctic foxes have coats that are always very pale, while others that live along rocky shorelines might have more brown in their summer coat.

- When fox pups are born, they are unable to see, hear or walk, and their mother must take good care of them. When the pups are young, their father hunts and brings food back for the family.

-  Foxes eat just about anything, including berries, worms, spiders and small animals such as mice and birds. If they live in the city, they eat rubbish that people leave out. If they have extra food, they hide it in a small hole and eat it later when they are hungry.

-  A fox’s home is called a “den”. It can be a hole in the ground or elsewhere, such as under a garden shed. Hunters often try to scare foxes out of their dens by sending in dogs so that the hunter can then shoot the foxes.

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